Tag Archives: acne help

Beat the Summer Skin Oily Blues

3 Jul

Do you dread summer because you feel like your skin becomes its own oil manufacturing plant? Is it much worse than other times of the year? You scrub your face and apply drying agents, but it doesn’t help or gets worse? If you have oily skin or acne prone skin, summer can be tough.

Beach biker

Summer Fun Affects Skin
The heat, the humidity, the sunscreen, the sun, and exercising with all those elements in play can wreck havoc on  your challenged skin issues. It’s true; the fun of summer can make skin more oily and breakouts worse. On top of that, summer is also a time when you may also relax your healthy diet regimen, eating and drinking foods that acerbate your skin condition.

Over-Cleansed Skin Effect 
When skin is oily, the oil worsens, or pimple breakouts increase, there is a tendency for many people to try to fix it by washing the face more or using drying products and soaps. However, the opposite happens. Over cleansing your face and using drying products, such as toners, pimple treatments (especially those heavy with chemicals), and harsh soaps/face washes makes the skin worse. Your body responds when your skin is over dried by making more oil to compensate. But, it overcompensates and makes too much oil. A vicious cycle begins of washing, applying skin treatments/ointments and skin cells registering dryness and vamps up oil production. You need to break the cycle to get your skin in balance. soap

Two Things To Firmly Hold in Mind
Before I get into the specifics of making oily and acne skin better during summer, you need to firmly put two things in your mind and hold to them. One is you need to keep to a regimen, not matter what. Secondly, you need to work on the problem from the inside out as well as topically. It’s the inside out that most people have trouble with and balk at. For one thing, it may require some diet changes (for the better). We’ve been mentally conditioned for years from the medical community that diet doesn’t affect the skin. This is bad information. Makes me crazy to even think that this was the propaganda from doctors for generations. Yes, let’s be clear, diet does affect the skin. Hello! Scurvy! This is just one disease doctors should have used to put two and two together: If you don’t get vitamin C, you get scurvy and one of the effects is hemorrhagic skin papules, not a pretty sight.

Enjoy Summer Fun and Keep Pimples and Oil under Control

Have A Regular Cleansing Regimen and Stick to It. Wash your face twice a day with mild cleanser, especially in the evening. DO NOT GO TO BED WITH MAKEUP ON! Never, ever. I prefer you use an organic cleanser. Use warm/lukewarm water. Do not use hot water on your face. Only time you would wash your face more than twice a day is after exercising. If you swim, rinse the chlorination off with lukewarm water, but don’t wash, and apply a proper moisturizer. If you use a sunscreen, remove it as soon as you come indoors by gently cleansing. Regularly use a very mild exfoliator. You can use a mild one daily. Don’t use a toner; they are of no benefit to the skin. And for oily skin and acne prone skin, they are too drying. They can cause the vicious cycle mentioned earlier.


Take Ice and Rub Over Your Face. You want to calm and cool your skin. I take an ice cube to my face twice a day. Once in the morning and once in the evening before going to bed. I do it for other reasons that oily skin, mature skin…. It’s great for sending to fresh oxygenated blood to the skin. Fresh blood contains nutrients. I hold the ice in a washcloth or hand towel, and travel it over my face and neck. You can also put ice water in a basin and dunk your face it. I think that’s more work. Just don’t hold the ice too long on one spot. If you have a pimple though, you can leave the ice on it for a few seconds to help calm it, and help reduce its size.

Use a Moisturizer. I know this can make some of you cringe at the idea. Moisturizer/oil on oily, acne skin?? But, a really good moisturizer balances the oils on oily and acne prone skin. We, of course, love argan oil for this. Our Argan Serum is our top seller, five years out (it also has effective essential oil). Whatever, moisturizer you use, make sure it doesn’t block pores or have unnecessary ingredients, such as preservatives or bactericidals. Lotions often have these. Again, that’s one of the reasons we created our acne line, so as not to have unnecessary ingredients that can make acne worse.

SpinachEat as Many Fresh Fruits and Vegetables as Possible. Everyday single day eat your veggies and fruits, especially include dark green leafy vegetables. Some of them are kale, spinach, dandelion greens, and lettuces other than iceberg. But, anything fresh is good. Eat them raw, steamed, or roasted to change it up, and keep your palate interested. If you eat something bad, i.e, not good for skin, cleanse your body by eating fresh fruits and vegetables as soon as you can. For example, you go to baseball game and eat hot dogs, nachos, etc. and drink beer or soda. For next few days, stick with a fresh fruit and vegetable diet. Buy or make green health drinks.

water-2.jpgDrink Water. Everyday day drink water. Researchers say you need to drink half your body weight in ounces everyday. So, if you weight 150 pounds you need 75 ounces of water every day. This is if you are not doing anything. So, if you exercise you will need more. And I think it’s good for acne prone skin to drink more, to make it healthy again. If you are dehydrated, your skin will suffer. The body will want to protect vital organs first when dehydrated, so will pull hydration from those parts of the body that it deems as not as important, such as the skin. Don’t include other beverages in this, especially alcohol.

Change Your Pillowcase Daily. If you don’t have that many pillowcases, cover your case with a soft towel. Oil that is produced overnight get transferred to your pillow either from your face or hair. Bacteria begins to grow. At night the bacteria can make it’s way to your face.

Exercise. Exercise helps in many ways. Nutrients get distributed throughout the body more efficiently. It helps to control stress; stress makes acne worse and overstimulates oil glands. Exercise removes toxins and stimulates the lymphatic system, which helps the body fight “invaders.” Exercise also keeps your weight in control; studies have shown link between being overweight and acne. Just remember to gently cleanse face afterwards and rinse face in cold water or use ice cube treatment.

Limit Sun Exposure. The thought used to be that the sun helped acne and oily skin. But, that’s not so. The sun is not good for these to conditions. The other thing is if you also use a sunscreen you compound the problem. Sunscreen can create oils or attract dirt. And then, there’s the detrimental effects of direct sun on problem skin. Sun blocking hats are the best; those with UVB ratings. However, you may want to enjoy some sun activities. So, be reasonable and create a balance. sunTake every effort to limit sun exposure on your face. But, also enjoy those sun activities you enjoy. Maybe you have an activity, such as playing kickball that you can switch to doing in the evening. Just remember to gently cleanse your face afterwards and follow with cold water splashes or ice cube treatment.

There you  have it, a cleansing regimen, a super healthy diet, water, exercise, and keeping a balance between enjoying the things of summer you love with the realistically maintaining healthy skin. Yes, sometimes it does come down to what is more important your skin or forgoing something that will make it worse. Oh, one other thing: Don’t squeeze those pimples.

Click to: Get Your Acne Under Control, Shop Our All-Organic Clear Skin Line

15 Whole-Body Tips for Acne Prone Skin

21 May

I’m very familiar with the ups and downs of acne because one of my children has it.  She went through the entire gamut of traditional medical methods to heal it.  This included 2 treatments of Accutane, which had devastating consequences.  Improvements were temporary at best.  It was a whole-body approach & YSO clear skin products that got it under control for good.  Below are  some of our suggestions to get you started towards an acne free complexion.

Inflammation and out of balance hormones are major contributing factors to acne.  In order to gain control of acne, the body needs to be brought back into balance.  Contrary to conventional wisdom, diet and lifestyle do play a part in feeding acne and also in healing it.  Incorporating a whole-body approach helps to bring hormones into balance and reduces inflammation thereby helping to clear skin.  Diet and life style do make a difference.

Here are 15 tips to help you get started.  It does take diligence and commitment in order to see improvement.  And it may take several weeks or months to see those improvements as the body detoxifies and begins a return to homeostasis.

  •  Eliminate or reduce foods with added hormones, such as dairy and factory raised meats. Even organic milk contains natural hormones; skim milk has less.
  •  Reduce body inflammation and bring hormones into balance by increasing omega 3.  Fish, walnuts, ground flaxseeds, Brussels sprouts, spinach, kale, and salad greens.
  •  Do not over cleanse your face.  It will dry it out, irritate, and cause over-stimulation of oil glands.
  • Be gentle with your skin.  It’s a fallacy that acne prone skin is tougher than other skin types.  Perfumes, detergents, chemicals in cleansers, toners, etc can irritate acne, make it worse. Even things like dryer sheet fabric softeners can leave a residue on the skin.
  • Whole body approach includes exercise.  Exercise helps bring fresh oxygenated blood to the skin, which brings nutrients. Exercise sans make-up, wash face afterwards.

  • May seem counter intuitive, but the right plant oils can help balance oils in acne prone skin. Ingredients in lotions can irritate and clog pores, increase oil production.
  • Try yoga.  It’s great for bringing body into balance.  Finding the right class is important.  Find one that is not over -weighted with poses, but also has breath, meditation & relaxation as a large part of class.
  • Eat fresh fruits and vegetables daily.  Eat organic if possible.  Acne prone body has enough to fight/balance without additional chemical/hormones.
  • Keep hydrated with clear liquids aka H2O – not vodka ;).  Alcohol messes up balance in body, esp. women. Stays in body longer.  Cucumbers and melons also help with hydration.
  • Eliminate or greatly reduce granulated sugar and corn syrup in your diet.  Replace with raw honey or agave.
  • There may be other skin conditions besides acne contributing skin problem & compounding acne, such as seborrhea, rosacea, or eczema
  • Check for food triggers.  These are foods that you may be sensitive to and are not aware of.  They will cause inflammation and complicate healing of acne.  Eliminate trigger foods one at a time for a couple weeks to notice any difference.  Common ones: wheat, gluten, meat, corn, soy and dairy.
  • Reduce stress.  Learn to live from your heart/soul more and the mind less.
  • Don’t use thick make-up to cover the acne.  It doesn’t hide it and only makes the condition worse.  Know, feel, & believe you are BEAUTIFUL.  I say so!!

Click to Buy Our Great All-Organic Skincare Line:


Abe’s Market bit.ly/1rueto2

Let’s Talk: Omega 3 for Great Skin

30 Jan

Back in the day–way back, kids would line up to get their daily spoonful of cod liver oil from mom.  The old cod liver oil was an acquired taste…not!  I don’t imagine anyone could ever come to relish its taste.  I can imagine that there were a lot of threats and promises to cajole kids into taking it.   However, families then knew the importance of omega 3 (cod liver oil is high in omega 3) in the diet, but somehow that’s been lost in more recent generations.  Even my mom remembered being made to have a spoonful of cod liver oil daily, but she never gave it to her children.  Although, we did eat a lot of fresh fish, nuts, and fresh greens (food sources of omega 3). 

Well, the word is out.  Americans are deficient in omega 3.  We aren’t eating foods that are high in omega 3, instead our diet is mainly meat, processed foods, and junk foods–all low in omega 3.   Omega 3 is one of two essential fatty acids that the body needs; the other is omega 6.  These two need to be in balance.  Because of the typical western diet, American diets are high in omega 6.  Omega 6 causes inflammation, and omega 3  fights inflammation.  So, for skin inflammations, such as acne, bacne, eczema, and psoriasis having omega 3 in the diet is imperative.  Omega 3 also helps with oil production; this benefits dry skin and acne (by keeping oils in balance).

Omega 3 – Just the Facts:

  •    Body does not make it on its own.   Needs to come from food.
  •   Most Americans are deficient in omega 3.
  •   Omega 3 and 6 need to be balanced.  Estimates are the typical American diet has 14- 25 times more omega 6 than omega 3.
  •   Omega 3 has two main fatty acids, DHA and EHA.
  •   EHA fatty acids helps the skin:
    boosts hydration – prevents and aids acne and eczema – slows aging process of skin – prevents collagen loss – repairs the skin – offers some protection against the sun and sun damage – regulates oil production – helps dry, itchy skin.
  • DHA aids in brain function.  It’s very important that pregnant women get omega 3 so their babies aren’t born omega 3 deficient. It can affect brain, eye, and nerve development.  More than half the fat in the brain is DHA.
  • Foods high in omega 3 fatty acids are:
    fish, especially salmon – salmon, flaxseed – chia, sunflower, and pumpkin seeds – walnuts – dark green leafy vegetables (a different kind of omega 3 is in nuts and vegetables)
  •  Supplementation is another way to get omega 3.  Not all omega 3 supplements are equal; some contain little DHA or EHA.  Buy only those that have been independently tested.
  • Omega 3 is good for other conditions, such as eye conditions, depression, ADHD, heart disease, arthritis and other inflammations, cancer, autoimmune disorders, and stomach disorders.

BTW – Just like “a spoon full of sugar helps the medicine go down…in a most delightful way…,” cod liver oil now comes in orange and lemon flavors.  As far as  “delightful”…well….

Click to Buy Our Great All-Organic Skincare Line:


Abe’s Market bit.ly/1rueto2


“Omega 3 Fatty Acids,” University of Maryland Medical Center.  Online: http://www.umm.edu/altmed/articles/omega-3-000316.htm

New Year, New Look, New Products, and More

23 Jan

Read all about it. Read all about it.  Yum Scrub Organics has a new logo, new website, new product line, new book, and our body scrubs have been reformulated.  We’re exited and proud of of all the new happenings.

New Website and Logo
Check out Yum Scrub Organics new website with our new logo and colors.  The shopping cart is now integrated into the website, making it friendly and easy to use.  Of course, all transactions are secured.  We also added some articles about skin and skincare to our website.

While we loved our  old logo, our new logo reflects more of the apothecary brand of skincare we are about.  Apothecary skincare applies natural techniques and in our company organic ingredients to help skin conditions.  Before bringing a product to market, extensive research is done on the best organic botanical ingredients that work synergistically and that are effective.  YSO does not just use ingredients because they are popular or the latest “new thing.”   In the apothecary style, YSO’s organic face, body, and bath products are made in small batches, so products are delivered to the customer fresher.

New Product Line and Book
YSO’s Clear Skin line as with all our products is formulated using all-organic ingredients.  The Clear Skin line is for oily and blemish prone skin. It includes a face wash, pimple treatment, and also one of our best sellers, Argan Acne Serum.  The line is sold as a set or individually.  When you buy the set, our booklet Clear Skin: A Whole Body Approach is included for free.  We are offering the Clear Skin Set at an introductory price.

While topical treatments are important for clearing adult onset acne, there are other modalities that need to be applied in order to control adult acne.  Our Clear Skin: A Whole Body Approach booklet on adult acne offers valuable information on how to have healthier skin using a holistic approach.  The booklet covers the causes of adult acne, new research on acne, nutrition that helps and hinders clearing the skin, and other suggestions to help a person control adult acne.

Oatmeal Facial Wash for Oily and Acne Prone Skin
Our Oatmeal Facial Wash is made in the apothecary style. We combine colloidal oatmeal with herbs known to help blemish-prone skin.  Oatmeal Facial Wash is a very gentle exfoliant containing colloidal oatmeal, fine organic sucrose, and fine herbal powders. Colloidal oatmeal is a natural cleanser, a natural moisturizer, protects the skin’s PH, and helps maintain the skin’s acid mantle.  The acid mantle is the skin’s protection from bacteria and virus, keeping it healthy is important to acne prone skin.   Sucrose is the natural form of glycolic acid.  Glycolic acid is often used in acne treatments to remove the top skin to allow a new layer of skin to be exposed thereby reducing blemishes and oiliness.  Often, commercial strengths of glycolic acid are too harsh for acne skin.

Aloe Vera is a natural pore tightener and toner; it is formulated into our face wash.  Many dermatologist recommend against using typical toners because they are too harsh.  They strip skin of all oils often causing a rebound effect, creating more blemish-causing oils.  Typical toners also attract dirt.  YSO Oatmeal Face Wash tones without stripping or attracting dirt.  It also does not contain unnecessary ingredients, such as water and fillers.

Oatmeal Face Wash for Oily and Acne Prone Skin with 8 herbs is very nourishing.   Aloe Vera along with rose, lavender, colloidal oatmeal, and other ingredients help to soothe the skin.

Unique and Better Way to Wash the Face
What is most unique about Oatmeal Facial Wash is that it is in a powdered form.  Formulating our organic face wash in this way, eliminates harsh ingredients that are used to create lather and lotions.  Lathering and lotion ingredients can clog pores and leave a dirt attracting film.  Our Oatmeal Face Wash rinses clean.

So, how do you use Oatmeal Facial Wash?  About a quarter size or so of the face wash is poured into damp palms.  Palms are rubbed together until an emulsion forms.  The emulsion is gently rubbed over the face followed by rinsing it thoroughly off with very cool water.  Cool or cold water is a great natural skin toner, especially when used with the aloe vera.  BTW  The oatmeal face wash does remove make-up.  We suggest applying Argan Acne Serum afterwards to balance and moisturize the skin.  Also, the acne serum can be used to emulsify the face wash with or without the water for those times when the skin is drier because of weather, etc.

Yum Scrub Spot Treatment
Our all-organic Spot Treatment comes in a small bottle, but it is very powerful.  In a base of jojoba wax ester, essential oils that are known to help improve pimples and blemishes have been added. Test results with real people with real blemishes show that it does dry and reduce the size of pimples.  It is highly concentrated, so a little goes a long way.  One drop is applied to an individual pimple and gently rubbed in.  Of course, it is important to apply to clean skin with very clean hands.  The pimple Spot Treatment is not to be used all over the face; it is just for individual pimples.  It is also not for severe acne.  Direct sunlight needs to be avoided after application.

New and Improved Body Scrubs
Coco-Mint Sugar Scrub, Orange You Glad Salt Scrub, and Manly-Mint Sugar Scrub have all had a makeover.  They have been reformulated for easy pouring and a more gentle exfoliation.  The mint in coco-mint has boosted for an even more minty aroma.  It’s YUM all the way around.  We are very proud to have formulated a pourable body scrub without chemicals, thickeners, or other unnecessary ingredients.

The older model of our scrubs were pourable, but required repeated shaking during use to blend the sugar or salt with the plant oils.  Now, our scrubs only need an initial shake and are ready to pour from the spout.  Most body scrubs on the market come in a jar where you have to scoop out the scrub and where water can get in.  They are messy and cumbersome to use.  Yum Scrub Organics pourable scrubs leave the mess behind and offer a wonderful way to cleanse, exfoliate, and moisturize the body all in one product.  Each body scrub has their own unique blend of plant oils and essential oils.

Dermatologist recommend applying moisturizer within three minutes of the body getting wet to lock in moisture.  When you use our organic body scrubs the moisture get locked-in while in the shower.  We also suggest that you allow your body to air dry when you get out of the shower for additional moisturizing benefits.

As always, we are so confidant in our products we offer a 100% guarantee.

We also want to thank our loyal and new customers for our continuing success.  Thank you!  We truly appreciate your business and are always open to comments and suggestions.  Shop Yum Scrub Organics.

Light and Love to all,
Yum Scrub Organics

Acne Cause and Cure – A Whole-body Approach

20 Jul

Western, Chinese, and Ayurvedic medical traditions more or less approach the cause of acne from the same viewpoint–an imbalance in the body.  However, traditional western medicine deviates from the eastern traditions in curing acne.  Whereas the eastern traditions believe in treating the whole body, western medicine typically treats acne at the source with antibiotics and topical treatments.  For example, western medicine discounts the role diet plays in the cause and cure for acne whereas eastern medical traditions say that diet plays a large role in the cause and cure.  The eastern medical traditions’ approach to acne is holistic or whole-body.

A whole-body approach to acne makes sense.  The skin is an organ–the largest organ in the body–and if the body is an integrated system, what affects one part will affect another.  This means nutrition, exercise, emotions, and mindset all play a part in body functions and diseases.

Basically, acne is caused by a disruption in the body system as a result of person’s body makeup.   In the Indian Ayurvedic medical tradition this is caused by too much “fire” in the body; Pita describes people with too much fire.  In Chinese, it’s a similar reason, too much heat or too much humidity in the body.  In the west, hormonal unbalances are usually the reason given for the cause of acne; there’s too much androgen hormone.  What all of the traditions are really saying is the cause is genetic.  Body type and hormone imbalances are genetically related.

Research in the study of genetics and acne are small and few, but those that have been done show a genetic element that it’s passed through families.  A gene has been turned on that makes the conditions right for acne to take hold.  It was once thought that genes couldn’t be changed.  But, now science knows genes can change when certain cells get turned on, and so genetic conditions can change also (some easier than others).  Cancer and alcoholism are two other diseases where the genes have been turned on. Genes can also be turned off.  While environmental causes are also linked to acne, this also points to an imbalance in the body and possibly the turning on of a gene.  In other words, the body wasn’t able to fight off the bacteria because it was overwhelmed and/or not healthy enough to overcome the invading microorganisms.

Having acne is not a lost cause.  However, it does take work, time, and patience to heal it.  While the skin is the largest organ, it’s the last organ to get the nutrients from the body.  For most of us if you’re not eating well or taking care of the body on the inside, it will show up on the skin.  The organ that helps to keep the body in balance is the liver; it’s hard-working, preparing for the elimination of toxins from the body and the delivery of nutrients.  If the body can’t eliminate toxins or doesn’t get enough nutrients for the entire body, the results can show up in the skin (and in other ways also).  Keeping the liver in optimal condition is the name of the game here. So, if the acne gene has been turned on in your body, your body will require a diligent effort from you with very healthy foods leading the way with maybe even lifestyle changes.

Interestingly, several studies have shown that nutrients in food have altered genes.  This comes back to the whole body approach for clearing up acne.

Acne Diet

Everyday eat fresh vegetables and fruit.  Especially eat dark green leafy vegetables.  These provide nutrients and also help the body to remove toxins and impurities through the intestines.

Move from eating processed and fast food to eating whole foods.  In other words, stay away from foods in boxes and cans.

Check your diet to make sure you are getting omega 3 essential oils.  The body does not make omega 3 and 6 fatty acids.  They have to come from foods.  However, the typical American diet, has 14 – 25 times more Omega 6 than 3.[i]  Omega 3 fatty acids reduce inflammation whereas studies show Omega 6 (linoleic acid) causes inflammation.  Foods high in omega 3’s are flaxseeds, nuts, and fish (salmon, tuna, halibut, mackerel, lake trout). A balance of Omega 3 and 6 is what the body needs.  You can also buy fish oil supplements or cod liver oil.

Eat carotenoid rich foods such as carrots, sweet potatoes, kale, and spinach.  They are high in carotene that turns into Vitamin A in the body.  Vitamin A helps to fight acne by reducing inflammation and by supporting the immune system.  (Accutane is the synthetic form of Vitamin A in a really high dose that also has serious side effects.)

Drink plenty of water everyday.  Water also helps to flushes out toxins through the kidneys and helps keep the skin clear of impurities.

Herbs – Some herbs such as turmeric are considered very good for acne; there are many recipes that use turmeric.  Milk thistle aids the liver; it can be purchased in capsules. A tea made from lavender and/or chamomile helps with inflammation. You can also make a cool compress by steeping lavender and/or chamomile in hot water, allowing it to cool  before applying a moistened wash cloth over the face for a few minutes.

Limit or Eliminate

Sugar and corn syrup.  Hard to give up sugar?  Then replace it with agave syrup, raw honey, or stevia.  Also, stay away from artificial sweeteners.

Carbonated beverages


Omega 6 – Limit omega 6’s in your diet.  Remember the typical American diet is high in Omega 6.  If your diet consists of a lot  meat, foods that contain or are fried in corn, safflower, soybean, or cottonseed oil then your probably getting too much Omega 6 and not enough Omega 3.  You may have to eliminate these foods for a while to get your body back in balance.

Factory-farmed meat and dairy products – Most factory meat and dairy products have residual hormones and antibiotics.  Eating these foods will just aid in keeping the body out of balance, especially since hormones play a large part in acne.  How do you know if your eating factory meat and dairy products?  If it’s cheap – Walmart, Sam’s Club, and about all major Grocery Chains (Safeway, Kroeger Stores) sell factory- farmed meat.

Cigarettes, Alcohol, and Illegal Drugs – They’re hard on the liver and also take the body out of balance.

Fried foods

Wheat/gluten, corn, dairy, yeast –  There maybe also be an allergy to certain foods as a component of the acne in that the body can’t address the acne because it’s also addressing and allergy or sensitivity.  The foods listed are the first to consider.  Eliminate one at a time for at least 6 – 8  weeks; it takes this long to notice any changes.


Aerobic exercise helps flush out toxins through sweating and brings fresh blood to the face.

Yoga – Helps to relieve stress and different poses such as forward bends and inversions allow the blood to flow more effectively.  Also, different breathing techniques bring more oxygen to the blood as do the poses.

Reduce Stress

Sit quietly for a few minutes each day.  Don’t even play music.  Sitting in complete silence or prayer is really beneficial to bring the body back in harmony with itself.  If this is something new, try just for 5 minutes a day then increase the time gradually.  Concentrate on noticing your breathing rhythm, or take yourself away in deep prayer.

Visualize – Many people have changed their lives with visualizations.  Take time everyday to see yourself as being very healthy and your skin being very clear.


Keep your face clean, but not overly.  Acne is not about dirty skin and if you scrub it too much you’ll only exacerbate the problem.  Use a mild cleanser and finish with splashing cool water on the face.  Cool to cold water closes the pores and calms irritation.  Avoid using hot water on the face.

Don’t pick and squeeze.  This just gives opportunity for more bacteria to enter and clog the pores and create new pimples.

Steam opens the pores to allow excess sebum and bacteria to be released, aiding in the healing process.  Try an herbal steam that will also reduce bacteria and inflammation.  Follow-up with gentle cleansing and with several splashes of cool water to the face.

Avoid harsh products that dry out the skin, taking it out of balance thereby creating conditions for more bacterial growth.  Look for products that help to restore the balance to the skin and body, such as Argan Acne Serum.

Also Consider:

Acupuncture (Research and find an acupuncturist who is very qualified.)
Nutritional Supplements
Cleanse or liver detox help in eliminating toxins and bringing body back to balance. A cleanse will also help remove parasites.  If your body is fighting off parasites, it will have a hard time fighting acne as well. Health food stores carry cleanse and liver detox products.  Check with your doctor first if you have a medical condition because a cleanse may not be appropriate for you.

And don’t forget to Have Patience

[i] “Omega 3 Fatty Acids,” University of Maryland Medical Center. Online: http://www.umm.edu/altmed/articles/omega-3-000316.htm