Archive | April, 2011

New Friday Feature: Yummy Recipes- Good for Body and Skin

29 Apr

We believe what you put on your skin is just as important as what you put in your body.  Conversely, what you put in your body affects your skin.  Research is now backing-up what we’ve believed all along: your skin reflects what you eat.  Although, the study of how food, nutrients, or lack-of influences skin is in its infancy, preliminary research shows that these nutrients, A, B’s, C, E, A, K, alpha-lipoic acid, copper, selenium, sulfur, zinc, and omega 3 fatty acids are healthy skin nutrient leaders.

Okay, so it’s one thing to have this information, but figuring out how to implement it in your diet is another thing.  Consistently eating fresh vegetables and fruits is the way to go, especially eating dark leafy vegetables.    But, wouldn’t it be nice if someone gave you yummy recipes that had the skin glowing nutrients in them?  Starting today, every Friday we will post a recipe that is good for the skin… and what is good for the skin is good for the rest of your body.

By the way, the earlier you start taking care of your, the better your skin will age.  And it’s never too late to start; your skin will reflect what you eat no matter your age.

Choose organic when you can, especially for spinach and celery, as they are on the Environmental Working Groups list of Dirty Dozen fruits and vegetables with the highest pesticide residuals.

YUM Spring Salad- serves 4 – 6
4 cups baby spinach
2 cups watercress
1 red onion
1 large green apple (can substitute a red variety, but make it a crunchy one)
1 cup sliced celery
1 cup coarsely chopped walnuts
3-4 tablespoon of olive oil
½ lemon
Salt and fresh ground pepper to taste

Wash and dry spinach and watercress.  Slice red onion in thin rings.  Core apple and cut into quarters and and then into large dices. 

 Put spinach, watercress, onion, apple, celery,  and walnuts in a bowl and toss.  Drizzle olive oil over salad mixture followed by squeezing the lemon over it (catch or filter seeds).  Add salt and pepper.  Toss, taste, and adjust seasonings if necessary.  Garnish with thin lemon slices overlapping one another in center of the salad.  Serve.  Sooo yummy!

Sprinkle crumbled goat cheese on top or add slices of roasted garlic.
Plate salads individually
Want to make a salad ahead of time?  Add all ingredients but the greens in a layer in a salad bowl, place the greens on top. Cover and refrigerate.  Just before serving toss, add dressing, toss salad again, and serve.
This salad goes well with salmon (another healthy skin food).

If you like onions, but they don’t like you try this suggestion from chef Jacques Pepin.  Blanch prepared onions in boiling water for 5 seconds and then immediately submerge them in ice water to cool them.  Pat dry the onions slices with a paper towel or clean cloth and then add to the salad.

Mother’s Day Around the Corner…Order Now

27 Apr

Mother’s Day this year is on May 8, a little earlier than other years.  Just in case you get a spot on Jeopardy and there’s a Mother’s Day category– here is some help to prepare you.

A day for celebrating mothers has been around for centuries.  The Greeks (by the way what haven’t they started?) began it with celebrating Rhea who was the mother of the gods and Cybele, the earth mother.

The Roman borrowed from the Greeks and had a day to celebrate Juno, the patroness goddess of Rome and women.  The first Christians (who also borrowed other ideas from….the Greeks) took up this celebration to honor Mary, the mother of Christ on the fourth Sunday of Lent.

Early British religious leaders extended the religious celebration to include all mothers and called it Mothering Day.  It was also a day that folks were to return to the “mother” church and later it evolved so that household servants got the day off to visit their mums.

While the holiday did not cross the seas with early settlers, it eventually landed here. Anna Jarvis, a “protolobbyist,”  got the presidential seal of approval to make it a national holiday.  The first Mother’s Day, May 12, 1907, was a church service in honor of Anna’s mother and other mothers.  Anna handed out white carnations because they symbolized sweetness, purity, and patience.  It was, however,  Julia Ward Howe, a suffragist, who suggested the idea many years before, wanting the day to also celebrate peace.

By the way, Anna never had children of her own. Good thing perhaps. Because if she had children, and they gave her a card or candy or some other present, she would have disowned them.  Anna so hated the idea of sending cards and giving gifts to mothers on Mother’s Day that she spent her entire fortune and the rest of her life fighting against the commercialization of Mother’s Day.

President Woodrow Wilson in 1914 made it official by making the second Sunday in May a national holiday to honor mothers.  And Hallmark has been kowtowing in thanks to him ever since…………

While most countries have a day to celebrate Mother’s Day, Denmark, Turkey, Italy, Australia and a few other countries celebrate on the second Sunday of May just like us.  They borrowed……….of course.

For Mother’s Day, we have put together a combination package with a lovely discount. 

Take advantage of this offer by clicking:

We’re Closed Friday April 22, 2011

22 Apr

Get outside and enjoy our wonderful earth!  Plant a tree, pick up some trash, or just breathe in the fresh air!  

Happy Earth day!

Love and Light to All 

See our post from earlier this week as to why we decided to close in honor of Earth Day…

Friday, April 22nd – Earth Day: We are Closed for Business

20 Apr

Yum Scrub! Organics has been thinking of ways to celebrate Earth Day this coming Friday…

If we did a coupon or any other Earth Day promotion, with an amount of money going to an environmental charity, we would have left a greater footprint than just doing our normal business.  Hardly earth friendly on the one day we are to celebrate our planet and be aware of our footprint.  The same would go with any give away or discount code.  Any of these programs would have meant the use of more paper products, energy, and carbon usage than we normally use.

That’s when it hit us.  The best way we can honor and celebrate Earth Day is to put up the “closed” sign for the day.  And that’s what we are doing.  Yeah, it may seem extreme to some.  But, if you haven’t realized, we are very conscientious not just about how we make our products, but how we impact Mother Earth; we are serious about sustainability.  We realize our existence is dependent on a healthy earth–not just our individual existence, but our business too.

Closing shop for the day means we will not fulfill any orders; we will not produce any products, and our computers will be turned off.  Our employees will have the day off to spend time in nature or volunteer.  We are encouraging them and all of our customers to tune out (disconnect) and tune-in (spend time in nature) for the day.

What will you do Friday?  Check out the Earth Day Website to see ways you can get involved.

If Formaldehyde Were Money…

15 Apr

This has been in the news a lot recently; we dug a little deeper and found it’s not just the hair salon where you should be concerned.  Read on….

Some salons are issuing gas masks to their clients and to hairdressers to protect them from hair smoothing and straightening products.  This gives a whole new dimension to Il faut souffrir pour etre belle; ahh…who better understands the suffering of beauty than French women??  The handing out of gas masks is in light of OSHA’s (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) warning on the harmful effects of formaldehyde in these products.

Can’t See But My Hair Looks Great

Formaldehyde gets released into the air and possibly comes in contact with the skin during smoothing and straightening hair processes.  Formaldehyde is very yucky (yes, yucky is a technical term…).  According to OSHA formaldehyde is a “sensitizer.” that can cause irritations in the eyes, nose, lungs, (coughing and wheezing), and on the skin.  It can also cause blindness if it gets in the eyes and can cause nose or lung cancer.  Reactions from formaldehyde can happen whether it is in the air or in a product that gets on your skin.

No Charge For The Nosebleed

After OSHA received reports from workers in salons having adverse reactions while using these products, they investigated and found high levels of formaldehyde in the air in these salons.  Both stylists and customers have reported nosebleeds, trouble breathing, and eye irritations.  OSHA has specifically singled out the Brazilian Blowout products whose labels read “formaldehyde free.”

A Rose By Any Other Name

OSHA also found that many hair products claiming to be “formaldehyde free” gave off formaldehyde.  The ingredients that should be avoided are formaldehyde, methylene glycol, formalin, methylene oxide, paraform, formic aldehyde, methanal, oxomethane, oxymethylene or Chemical Abstract Service Number 50-00-0.  According to the Campaign for Safe Cosmetics, formaldehyde can also go by these names: merthaldehyde, methyl aldehyde, aldehyd mravenci (Czech), Aldehyde Formique (French), Aldeide Fromica (Italian) and BFV.  All a mouth full to say the least.

Beware Of The Fine Print

While some companies are now claiming that their products are not giving off formaldehyde, OSHA warns that it doesn’t mean the products don’t contain other hazardous ingredients.  Also, just like the “formaldehyde free” claims- hazard ingredients can be hidden by other names.

If Formaldehyde Were Money….

We would all be rich because it’s everywhere!  Our body produces a small amount naturally that isn’t harmful.  Formaldehyde is in the air and is a major part of the smog we breathe.  In the home, you can find formaldehyde in fabric softeners,  some clothing, drapes, some medicines, and is even used as preservative in some foods, such as certain types of Italian cheese.  You can find formaldehyde in vaccines (even ones given to babies), antiseptics, dish-washing liquid, most common wood products; such as particle board and cabinetry.  It’s found in adhesives, paper, carpet cleaners, fungicides, germicides, disinfectant, cigarettes, cosmetics (preservative and nail hardener), and the list goes on.

Yeah Not So Good For Us, But…

Most U.S. regulatory agencies and scientist recognize that formaldehyde is a “probable carcinogen.”  The FDA has not banned it in cosmetics, but does regulate the amount that can be added.  Note that ingredient lists do not have to say it contains formaldehyde.  According to Environmental Working Group, even baby shampoos, soaps, and washes may contain formaldehyde.  They often use FRP (formaldehyde releasing preservative) as a way to mask it.

Both Japan and Sweden ban formaldehyde in cosmetics.  And the European Union along with Canada regulates the use of formaldehyde and formaldehyde-release ingredients in cosmetics with labeling that states “contains formaldehyde.”

When do we think the FDA will catch on?

 Resources: OSHA www.osha.govEPA;  FDA; Campaign for Safe Cosmetics



Spring and Cleansing…

13 Apr

It’s spring time!  The birds are out, the bees are buzzing!  Tap into the renewal of spring by doing a one-day spring cleanse.  Spring cleansing doesn’t mean it just has to be about your diet.  You can cleanse the areas that you live and work in.  Maybe this means taking a day to clear out your closest or tidying your desk.   Or, maybe you want to cleanse your car!   If you don’t have a day, don’t beat yourself up, just do what you can!  Take an hour or even ten minutes before picking the kids up from school.

If you feel like doing a diet cleanse, we have found that a one to three day green cleanse is not only easy and yummy, but also really produces great results.   This is how simple it is, all you need to do is make sure you eat green fruits and veggies.  That’s it.  And right now, with all of the deep green produce in season, you’ll have so many options.   Dandelion greens are great, just steam them or lightly sauté them in a little olive oil.  Not to mention dandelion greens support your liver, one of the most detoxifying organs in the body.  Asparagus is in season and delicious with a little lime juice.   Green olives and avocado added to any leafy green makes a wonderful salad with a little olive oil as a dressing.    Have fun with it, you can even drink unsweetened green tea.   Just keep it green and your good to go!

Again, this is supposed to be a way for you to take time for your body, whether it’s taking care of your surroundings and in-turn lowering your stress levels.  Change your diet for a day, or if you love it then make it a few.  Bottom line, it is all about renewing yourself this spring and centering your life for the season!  We would love to hear what spring cleansing tricks you have, so please share with us and our other readers!!

Keratosis Pilaris? You Could Have It!

11 Apr

Got red bumpy skin on your upper arms and thighs, and on your buttocks?  It has a name, keratosis pilaris.  Try saying that 3 times fast…  And if you have it, you’re not alone.  It’s estimated that more than 40% of adults worldwide have KP.  While not harmful, it can be annoying.  In colder months it’s itchy.  And in the summer, it can’t be hidden…

Those bumps are still there when you are ready to rock your fabulous new summer dress or bikini.  And those cute short-shorts will be showing more than just legs.  But there is help to eliminate or reduce KP.

KP is a result of too much keratin (a protein) forming in the body and plugging the hair follicles in those areas.  KP is tough and doesn’t flake off as normal dead skin does.  Did you know that skin, hair, nails, hooves, and horns are all made of keratin?

The consensus in the medical field seems to be that there is nothing that can be done except try different creams in the hope they will reduce the bumps.  Most people find the creams don’t work because they act more like a “band-aid,” masking the problem instead of resolving it.  And some actually experience that the ingredients in those lotions worsened their KP, ingredients such as lanolin.

More and more, research shows that diet plays a large role in the condition of our skin.  It only makes sense: Diet affects the health of our body on the inside why wouldn’t it affect the outer layer of the body?  It’s not as if our skin is disconnected from the rest of our body.

Ways to reduce or eliminate KP:

Some of the common foods that people with KP have eliminated from their diet, which in-turn reduced or cleared the skin condition entirely are, wheat, gluten, dairy products, and factory-raised meats (because of the hormones and antibiotics given to the animals–among other things).  So you would want to eat organic raised meats instead.

Studies have shown KP is thought to be hereditary; this connection is often used as a way of dismissing any hope of correcting the condition. However, heredity falls inline with diet as a culprit.  If heredity is the problem then diet makes sense once again.  The reason is that most people eat from the traditional diet of their family’s heritage.  Sure you eat foods from other ethnic traditions, but on a consistent basis (especially when you want that comfort food) you most likely choose something that your parents, grandparents, aunt, uncles and so on eat.  In other words, observe what you eat and look for connections.

If you want smoother skin, try experimenting by eliminating one of the above foods, do it gradually and one at a time.  And allow at least 6-8 weeks from the complete elimination of a food to notice a difference.  Switch from eating factory-raised meats to organic raised and processed meats.  And fill your diet with skin happy foods such as berries, carrots, fish, and green leafy vegetables!!

Other culprits that could cause or exacerbate KP are products (soaps, lotions) that contain lanolin and mineral oils, harsh detergents (commercially produced soap and shower gels), laundry soap, and dryer sheets.

Besides changing up the diet and investigating products that are applied to the skin or come in contact with it, you can improve the condition with regular exfoliation and keeping the areas moisturized.

Yum Scrub! Organics Coco-Mint, Manly-Mint Eucalyptus, and Orange You Glad Scrubs with regular use will reduce or eliminate the bumps.  Not only do the scrubs soften and exfoliate the built-up keratin; the oils in them penetrate and nourish the skin with essential fatty acids.  And the botanicals  improve the skin’s overall condition.

And to help you get started on smoother, healthier skin, Yum Scrub! Organics is offering 10% off any Scrub.  It’s spring time; get your skin ready now for summer!! Use PROMO code: superskin  (Note: Need to register at checkout to use promo code.)

Caution: Use of Tanning Beds for Skin Rashes Could Be Deadly

6 Apr

This is yucky stuff, but someone has got to talk about it!

Using tanning beds to self-treat undiagnosed skin eruptions or rashes can cause harm or even be deadly.  Researchers at the Indiana University School of Medicine Dermatology report on a growing trend: People believe that the radiation (UV rays) from tanning beds can reduce or eliminate skin rashes.  However, a study done by IUSM showed that if the rash is unknown and/or caused by medication or drugs, a person could do more harm by using a tanning bed.

The study reported on a person who had a mild skin reaction to Ibuprofen and used a tanning bed to reduce the symptoms.  After the tanning session, the person’s blood pressure dropped, the skin blistered and the rash spread.  She was diagnosed with toxic epidermal necrolysis (TEN) a life threatening disease.  TEN attacks skin cells and other tissues in the body, which can cause hemorrhaging, respiratory failure, and other life-threatening symptoms.

Bottom line is do not self-treat an unknown skin condition with a trip to the tanning salon; seek the advice of a physician.  For detailed information, click on the link below.

Story Source: Science Daily, Mar. 2, 2011.

Man, You’re Manly!

4 Apr

The toughest of men need to nourish their skin.  Sometimes, even if they don’t want to admit it, they may need it more than their female counterparts.   A man’s skin is hard working, and more often than not gets neglected. As a result, it can become clogged with impurities and dull looking.  Skin is more than just for looking good; it is an exit for toxins in the body.  If the skin is clogged and not properly cleaned, it makes it harder for it to do it’s job. Whether they are in the shower or shaving, all of his skin should be treated with the same love and affection.

This is why we have specifically created men’s products.  Our Manly-Mint Eucalyptus Scrub will not only get him squeaky clean.  It was formulated with his ph balance in mind.  The combination of carrier oils and essential oils will cleanse, moisturizes, nourish, and heal the skin; the sugar granules help exfoliate dead skin cells away while recharging the lymphatic system and getting the blood circulating.  Total Effect: Healthier skin, Healthier body, and Healthier mind and spirit.

A man’s face can have it really rough (literally) and shaving can be hard on the skin.  Getting ingrown hairs and a smooth shave can also be a challenge.  Not to mention putting on harsh alcohol based after-shaves is never a good thing.  Our Shave Balm not only helps soothe freshly shaven skin, with Argan oil, which is naturally high in fatty acids and mimics the skins sebum.   But also is supported by essential oils such as Patchouli which promotes new cell growth while lavender calms his fresh shave.  The Shave Balm will not only  provide instant relief, but will continue working throughout the day by providing much need hydration and making the skin softer for many shaves to come.  Total Effect: Happy shave+ Happy face = Happy you

So get going hot stuff …