Archive | April, 2012

Help with Wrinkles from Smoking & Recipe for Face Scrub

30 Apr

A customer from one of online retail sites where we sale our products asked us about what can be done about wrinkles from smoking.  We thought we’d share our answer here in case it can help others.  We also include a facial exfoliator recipe that can be made at home.

[C]an you help me with deep wrinkles from smoking?

You don’t mention your age or whether you have another skin condition, such as acne.  (I mention this because the question is listed under our acne serum.)  Both of these will determine the extent how much improvement you will see.   That said.  A two prong approach is needed.  First, you need to take steps that nourish and enhance the skin through diet and lifestyle.  Secondly, you need to prevent further damage to the skin.   And if you haven’t  given up smoking, that is where you need to begin.  Your skin has no chance of improving and will only get worse if you continue to smoke.

Wrinkles from smoking are a result of free radicals.  Smoking creates an inflammatory response in the body. Basically, among other things, smoking reduces the production of collagen and elastin.  Both are vital to smooth, healthy skin and as we age we naturally start to lose both; this can be accelerated by our lifestyle.

Antioxidants and anti-inflammatories are main keys to keeping the skin healthy and for reducing the effects of the environment and lifestyle on the skin.  Both our Argan Acne Serum and Argan & Allies Hydrating Serum contain anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory ingredients.

Regular exfoliation also helps to smooth out the appearance of wrinkles.  I exfoliate the skin on my face several times a week (actually almost daily) using our Coco-Mint Scrub.  (We are in the process of formulating a face wash for dry skin.)  The thing to remember is to use an exfoliator that is hydrating.  Below is a recipe for making a face scrub.

Do not use any products including cleansers that contain detergents– such as those that lather–because they will dry out your skin.  Dry skin enhances wrinkles.  You want to avoid any anything that dehydrates the skin.  In other words, you want to do all that you can to add moisture to the skin and prevent moisture loss.

Also, I always rinse my face with the coldest water possible to not only close the pores but to tighten the skin.   Keeping the skin moisturized and exfoliating regularly are what you can do on the surface.  However, we are firm believers that topicals alone cannot improve and keep skin healthy.  You need a whole-body approach that includes good nutrition, exercise, good skin care, and mental/emotional balance.  Healthy nutrition is most important.

Keep this in mind when choosing foods to eat: The skin is the last organ to receive nutrients.  So, your diet needs to be nutrient rich.  Eat fresh fruits and vegetables daily (if possible organic).  Dark green leafy vegetables have many skin loving nutrients.  Reduce or eliminate foods that are suggested to cause inflammation (meat, dairy, fast foods, fried foods, sweetened carbonated beverages, artificial sweeteners  etc.).  Vitamin C helps skin to rejuvenate; so it’s important to include foods with vitamin C.   Also, wear a hat that protects your entire face when in the sun.  The sun will only continue to damage the skin.

While we love sugar for use on the skin; internally it and caffeine contribute to wrinkles and dehydration.  Eliminating them helps to improve the texture and appearance of skin.  Drink plenty of water daily and avoid as many chemicals as possible.  Also, alcoholic beverages dehydrate the body, so avoid drinking them.

Exercise brings fresh oxygenated and nutrient rich blood to the skin.  Meditation is also helpful.  Yoga facial exercises help to strengthen the muscles underneath the face thereby reducing the appearance of wrinkles.  Check online; there are many sources for facial exercises.

Check out our blog:  We offer many suggestions in greater detail for healthy skin, including skin-loving recipes.

As you can see, it will take diligence and commitment to try and reverse the damage to some extent and prevent further damage.  Good luck.

If you have a question or comment about skincare, please email us we would love to help.

Love and Light, Yum Scrub Organics Team

Here’s the recipe to make your own face scrub to use… until we get ours launched 🙂

Yum Scrub Organics Orange-Lavender Face Scrub

1/2 cup organic sugar (if the sugar crystals are too large for your skin, you can grind them for 30 sec. or so in a blender).
1/2 cup organic plant oils (unrefined if possible) – almond, sunflower, safflower, avocado, olive are good choices
3 drops organic orange essential oil
3 drops organic lavender essential oil

Mix together.  Store in a jar.  Test on a small area of the face to make sure there isn’t a skin reaction to one of the ingredients.  Scoop some exfoliant into the palms, and massage over face and neck.  Rinse thoroughly with cool to cold water.  I usually allow my skin to dry naturally, which doesn’t take long here in Colo.  Apply hydration.

This information is for educational purposes only, it is not intended to treat, cure, prevent or, diagnose any disease or condition. Nor is it intended to prescribe in any way. This information is for educational purposes only and may not be complete, nor may its data be accurate.

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Look of Girl’s Brain Changes to Boy’s Brain with Small Dose of Chemicals

26 Apr

We’ve been advocating about reducing chemical exposure and consumption for years because our over dependence on chemicals are killing us and our planet.  However, there is a new spin; small doses of chemicals can alter hormones and make changes in the body.  How small?  Amounts that are equivalent to 1 drop in 20 Olympic size swimming pools.  This is from researchers at Tuft University who do not ask if chemicals are killing us, but are researching whether small amounts of chemicals change our brains.

The answer is yes.  Their research has found that small amounts subtlety change the brain (animal studies), so that a girl’s brain changes to look like a boy’s brain!  And these are not exotic chemicals; they are chemicals that we come in contact with everyday.


Dr. Laura Vanderberg, a developmental biologist at Tufts University, points out that regulatory agencies (FDA, EPA and I am adding companies using chemicals) test chemical safety by giving animals large amounts of chemicals that kill them then drawback to a “safe” level for humans.  But, the problem is they do not test the safe amount to see if it is truly safe.  Maybe like me you thought they did.  It would seem to be a no brainer to ask if the “safe” amounts are really safe.

VANDENBERG: What we find is that there’s overwhelming evidence in animals that BPA is associated with drastic changes in mammary gland development, also changes in the induction of mammary cancers, and changes in the sensitivity of the animal to carcinogens. So it makes you more sensitive to a carcinogen.
Excerpt from Living on Earth, March 16, 2012.

Laura Vandenbery,  goes into more on how small amounts of chemicals affect us in this interview with Living on Earth   Please listen or read the transcript; it is worth your while.

One of the things she says is the use of chemicals are so ingrained in our society that it is hard to shop our way out of the problem because we cannot tell by the labels which ingredients are hormone mimickers.  Of course, there is one way you can reduce chemical consumption.  That is to buy all-organic or 100% organic when you can.

Remember:  Only 100% organic or all-organic assures that there are no chemicals in the product.  “Organic and “Contains Organic” can by law have a certain percentage of chemicals.

Back when we started reducing our own chemical consumption there wasn’t much research or interest in research on chemicals effect on the body.   So, it great to see new light being shed on the growing concern over the use of chemicals in our lives.  And friends, this is why we are an all-organic body-care line.  With all the marketing hype from mega cosmetic companies, small all-organic or 100% organic companies get lost in the noise.  Support all-organic companies; it requires much more effort to formulate products without chemicals than with chemicals.


“The Dose Doesn’t Always Make the Poison,” Living on Earth.  Week of March 16, 2012.

Thanks to Green Beauty Team for the tweet on the Living on Earth article.  and

What Does Love Got to Do with… Beautiful Skin?

2 Apr

When you feel love, when you love, and feel loved the energy from these feelings comes through you and manifests itself in many, many ways.  The glow and health of your skin is one of the ways that love is reflected.   Your skin looks brighter, wrinkles are kept at bay, and skin conditions improve all with love.

With love as the inner center of your experience, you radiate outward.  In addition, when love is your dominant force, you want to take better care of yourself.  So, you eat better, exercise, and you are involved in healthy relationships and activities.  Love brings happiness and joy, and the cells in the body pick up on this energy communicating in ways that lead to a healthier body.  And healthier, better-looking skin is one of the beneficiaries of these responses to love.

[“Smile, it enhances your face value.”  Truvy (Dolly Parton) in “Steel Magnolias”]

See for yourself.  Try loving every day throughout the day no matter the difficulties you have for thirty days.  See if your skin doesn’t look better and your life feel better.  Here are some thoughts and tips:

Love is not a mental exercise; words alone don’t make love.  Words need to be connected to feelings.  Think of someone or something that doesn’t need to give you love back for you to feel love (a baby, small child, puppy, pet, flowers, etc.).  Got the feeling?  That is love.

[The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the heart.  Helen Keller]

Now with that feeling, love yourself first unconditionally.  Just don’t say your love yourself, feel it in your entire being.  Loving yourself is not selfish as many of us as many of us have been taught to believe.  In fact, in order to love others fully, you need to love yourself first.  Everyday practice loving yourself.  (You can check in with how you are doing with this by observing how you are treating others in your life and those whom you meet during the course of your day.)

Every morning before you get out of bed and every night before you go to sleep list all the things you love.  Just don’t stop at ten or twenty things keep on going. Gratitude is an expression of love, so you could also list all the things you are grateful for.  Don’t forget the people that make your life possible (fireman, policemen, people who make it possible to have electricity and running water, sidewalks, farm workers, etc.). 

[“When eating bamboo sprouts, remember the man who planted them.” — Chinese Proverb]

What about those difficult people in your life?  Find something to love about them.  Send them love; they are most likely in great need of loving themselves.

Express in words and feeling love and appreciation to people in your life everyday.  Mentally pass on love and happiness to people you meet (grocery clerk, barista, bus driver, bank teller, etc.)  Elbert Einstein on of the greatest scientific minds of all times gave gratitude a 100 times a day:

[A hundred times every day I remind myself that my inner and outer life depend on the labors of other men living and dead and that I must exert myself in order to give in the same measure as I received and am still receiving.]

 The upside to love is there is no downside.

BTW – When you buy our products, you are getting love.  We put and send love in every bottle.

Click to Buy Our Great All-Organic Skincare Line:


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