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When a Bath Doesn’t Bring on Sleep

6 Aug

So, you’re stressed at the end of a day, or perhaps your muscles are sore after a workout, or from doing some other physical activity. You’re tired and want nothing more than to take a nice warm bath and go to sleep.
You draw a bath; you add some Epsom salts and lavender essential oil to further soothe and relax your poor tired body. Some lighted candles and soft music enhance the mood. You slide into the tub, and after a few minutes, you feel yourself relaxing. Muscles loosen. It’s an “everything is right with the world” moment. You feel yourself about to doze off in the tub. It’s as a sure sign that you are going to fall right asleep when you get into bed.

Ready for Sleep, but…
You snuggle into your bed ready for a peaceful night sleep; close your eyes, and WHAM. You’re wide-awake and can’t fall asleep. Your body is relaxed; muscles are feeling better. But, not matter what position you put your body into you can’t fall asleep. “What’s up with this?” You wonder.

It’s All in the Timing

You did everything right for a relaxing and sleep-inducing bath. The one thing you didn’t know, however, is that the body temperature rises after a bath, making most people more alert though muscles are relaxed. The temperature of the body needs to cool down in order for it to be prepared for sleep. It takes about an hour. So, plan your bath an hour or so before going to bed.

The tension relieving benefits will still be felt waiting an hour before going to sleep. You can help to induce sleep during that hour by sipping a cup of chamomile tea, reading a book, or listening to gentle music, or meditating.

A Word about Essential Oils in the Bath

Many people like to put essential oils directly into the bath. This isn’t a good idea because essential oils and water do not mix. You will have little globules of essential oils coming in direct contact with your skin. And depending on the oil, it can burn you.
Essential oils should be mixed with a little carrier oil, such as sunflower, safflower, olive oil, etc. then poured into the water. Essential oils do mix with carrier oils. Combing them spreads the essential oil through the carrier oil so they are not concentrated.
This way you skin is not going to come into direct contact with the essential oil. This is not a problem with essential oils, such as lavender, that can be applied neat onto the skin. However, the majority of essential cannot be applied directly to the skin.

Another way to disperse essential oils in a bath is to first mix them in Epsom salts or Dead Sea salts.

“Rubber ducky you’re so fine.

Yum Orange-Lavender Face Scrub

21 Jul

Lavender Water Drop

Exfoliating is a must for beautiful/healthy skin. Here’s a recipe you can do at home. Sugar and plant oils are boosted by the addition of orange and lavender essential oils. And it smells yummy.
Orange and lavender essential oils are great for all types of skin. Orange has vitamin C, which helps with collagen production and is rejuvenates skin cells. Lavender is calming and enhances blood circulation, which all skin types can benefit.
Exfoliate several times a week. If you’re prone to breakouts or have sensitive skin, grind the sugar in a blender or food processor. Another way is to blend all ingredients together for a few seconds.
One more thing, orange essential oil is photosensitive. So, avoid direct sunlight after exfoliating or use a good sunscreen.

Yum Scrub Organics Orange-Lavender Face Scrub Rind  of orange cutaway in spiral shape

1/2 cup organic sugar (If the sugar crystals are too large, grind them for 30 sec. or so in a blender).
1/2 cup organic plant oils (unrefined if possible) – Sunflower, safflower, avocado, olive – good for dry and mature skin. Jojoba is good for all skin types including oily and those prone to blemishes. So, is Argan but it’s a but pricey.
3 drops organic orange essential oil
3 drops organic lavender essential oil

Mix together.  Store in a jar.  Test on a small area of the face to make sure there isn’t a skin reaction to one of the ingredients.  Scoop some exfoliant into the palms, and massage over face and neck.  Rinse thoroughly with cool to cold water multiple times.  Apply moisturizer.

DSC_0602_4_2  Shop YSO at Abe’s

ACE Up Your Skincare Routine

9 Jul

There are many things that go into having great looking skin or to improve/heal skin issues. If you read any of our posts, you know that besides organic/natural topicals, such as ours :), we also promote the whole-body approach. This includes things, such as stress reducing techniques, exercise, and diet, especially diet. We’re big on food as medicine, especially for the skin.
Ah, but it can get confusing what nutrients skin needs and where to get them. Well, all whole, fresh foods are excellent for the skin. That said, some are better than others. 

Woman smiling in grassACE It
Skin including those of you with beautiful skin (because you want to keep that way as you age) needs specific nutrients. The nutrients that are specifically beneficial to skin are those that have anti-oxidant benefits. And again–confusion. What are the anti-oxidants vitamins? ACE. Vitamin A, C, and E are the anti-oxidant vitamins that are so beneficial for skin.

Nasty Free Radicals
What do anti-oxidants do? Anti-oxidants fight free radical. One of the great ironies of life is that the oxygen we need to exist also has detrimental effects on the body at the molecular level. Without getting scientific, I’ll cut to the chase: Free radicals cause all the stuff we don’t want in life; diseases being at the top of the list. As we age, our body finds it harder to fight free radicals. Free radicals also affect the skin. NanoTechThey break down skin cells.

Hooray for Free Radicals
Antioxidants, hence the name, combat free radicals. So, it why it’s so important to regularly get as many as these nutrients (ACE) as possible. Vitamin A, by the way, is made by eating foods with beta carotene, but we’re using the shorthand of vitamin A to make it easy to remember the antioxidant nutrients.

Antioxidants by fighting free radicals help the skin with collagen building, moisturizing, signs of aging (wrinkles, sagging, age spots, reducing necessary fat), improving skin texture, healing skin problems, etc. You can see why it’s important to remember ACE and include as many foods as you can in your diet.  Watch out for taking ACE supplements. For example, Vitamin A supplements have no antioxidant benefits and taking too much can have detrimental effects.* Vitamin E and C can also have adverse effect if you take too much.

ACE High Foods

A: (beta carotene)
Sweet Potatoes
Winter Squash
Spinach  Carrots
Mustard Greens
Turnip Greens
Swiss Chard
Water Cress
Sweet Potatoes
For more extensive list and information of benefits Vitamin A foods head over to The World’s Healthiest Foods  or  Nutritional Data Website.

Vitamin C

Bell Peppers
For more extensive list and information on Vitamin C foods, head over to World’s Healthy Foods  or Nutritional Data Website.

Vitamin E:

Wheat germ
Sunflower oil
Peanut Butter
Swiss ChardAvocados
Turnip Greens
Beet Greens
Mustard Greens
Bell Peppers
Olive Oil
For more details on other foods and the benefits of vitamin E head over to The World’s Healthiest Foods.

SpinachRind  of orange cutaway in spiral shapeSummer Squash and Gourds

Shop: Yum Scrub Organics at Abe’s

Nutritional Data Center:
Rice University:
World’s Healthiest Foods:

Beat the Summer Skin Oily Blues

3 Jul

Do you dread summer because you feel like your skin becomes its own oil manufacturing plant? Is it much worse than other times of the year? You scrub your face and apply drying agents, but it doesn’t help or gets worse? If you have oily skin or acne prone skin, summer can be tough.

Beach biker

Summer Fun Affects Skin
The heat, the humidity, the sunscreen, the sun, and exercising with all those elements in play can wreck havoc on  your challenged skin issues. It’s true; the fun of summer can make skin more oily and breakouts worse. On top of that, summer is also a time when you may also relax your healthy diet regimen, eating and drinking foods that acerbate your skin condition.

Over-Cleansed Skin Effect 
When skin is oily, the oil worsens, or pimple breakouts increase, there is a tendency for many people to try to fix it by washing the face more or using drying products and soaps. However, the opposite happens. Over cleansing your face and using drying products, such as toners, pimple treatments (especially those heavy with chemicals), and harsh soaps/face washes makes the skin worse. Your body responds when your skin is over dried by making more oil to compensate. But, it overcompensates and makes too much oil. A vicious cycle begins of washing, applying skin treatments/ointments and skin cells registering dryness and vamps up oil production. You need to break the cycle to get your skin in balance. soap

Two Things To Firmly Hold in Mind
Before I get into the specifics of making oily and acne skin better during summer, you need to firmly put two things in your mind and hold to them. One is you need to keep to a regimen, not matter what. Secondly, you need to work on the problem from the inside out as well as topically. It’s the inside out that most people have trouble with and balk at. For one thing, it may require some diet changes (for the better). We’ve been mentally conditioned for years from the medical community that diet doesn’t affect the skin. This is bad information. Makes me crazy to even think that this was the propaganda from doctors for generations. Yes, let’s be clear, diet does affect the skin. Hello! Scurvy! This is just one disease doctors should have used to put two and two together: If you don’t get vitamin C, you get scurvy and one of the effects is hemorrhagic skin papules, not a pretty sight.

Enjoy Summer Fun and Keep Pimples and Oil under Control

Have A Regular Cleansing Regimen and Stick to It. Wash your face twice a day with mild cleanser, especially in the evening. DO NOT GO TO BED WITH MAKEUP ON! Never, ever. I prefer you use an organic cleanser. Use warm/lukewarm water. Do not use hot water on your face. Only time you would wash your face more than twice a day is after exercising. If you swim, rinse the chlorination off with lukewarm water, but don’t wash, and apply a proper moisturizer. If you use a sunscreen, remove it as soon as you come indoors by gently cleansing. Regularly use a very mild exfoliator. You can use a mild one daily. Don’t use a toner; they are of no benefit to the skin. And for oily skin and acne prone skin, they are too drying. They can cause the vicious cycle mentioned earlier.


Take Ice and Rub Over Your Face. You want to calm and cool your skin. I take an ice cube to my face twice a day. Once in the morning and once in the evening before going to bed. I do it for other reasons that oily skin, mature skin…. It’s great for sending to fresh oxygenated blood to the skin. Fresh blood contains nutrients. I hold the ice in a washcloth or hand towel, and travel it over my face and neck. You can also put ice water in a basin and dunk your face it. I think that’s more work. Just don’t hold the ice too long on one spot. If you have a pimple though, you can leave the ice on it for a few seconds to help calm it, and help reduce its size.

Use a Moisturizer. I know this can make some of you cringe at the idea. Moisturizer/oil on oily, acne skin?? But, a really good moisturizer balances the oils on oily and acne prone skin. We, of course, love argan oil for this. Our Argan Serum is our top seller, five years out (it also has effective essential oil). Whatever, moisturizer you use, make sure it doesn’t block pores or have unnecessary ingredients, such as preservatives or bactericidals. Lotions often have these. Again, that’s one of the reasons we created our acne line, so as not to have unnecessary ingredients that can make acne worse.

SpinachEat as Many Fresh Fruits and Vegetables as Possible. Everyday single day eat your veggies and fruits, especially include dark green leafy vegetables. Some of them are kale, spinach, dandelion greens, and lettuces other than iceberg. But, anything fresh is good. Eat them raw, steamed, or roasted to change it up, and keep your palate interested. If you eat something bad, i.e, not good for skin, cleanse your body by eating fresh fruits and vegetables as soon as you can. For example, you go to baseball game and eat hot dogs, nachos, etc. and drink beer or soda. For next few days, stick with a fresh fruit and vegetable diet. Buy or make green health drinks.

water-2.jpgDrink Water. Everyday day drink water. Researchers say you need to drink half your body weight in ounces everyday. So, if you weight 150 pounds you need 75 ounces of water every day. This is if you are not doing anything. So, if you exercise you will need more. And I think it’s good for acne prone skin to drink more, to make it healthy again. If you are dehydrated, your skin will suffer. The body will want to protect vital organs first when dehydrated, so will pull hydration from those parts of the body that it deems as not as important, such as the skin. Don’t include other beverages in this, especially alcohol.

Change Your Pillowcase Daily. If you don’t have that many pillowcases, cover your case with a soft towel. Oil that is produced overnight get transferred to your pillow either from your face or hair. Bacteria begins to grow. At night the bacteria can make it’s way to your face.

Exercise. Exercise helps in many ways. Nutrients get distributed throughout the body more efficiently. It helps to control stress; stress makes acne worse and overstimulates oil glands. Exercise removes toxins and stimulates the lymphatic system, which helps the body fight “invaders.” Exercise also keeps your weight in control; studies have shown link between being overweight and acne. Just remember to gently cleanse face afterwards and rinse face in cold water or use ice cube treatment.

Limit Sun Exposure. The thought used to be that the sun helped acne and oily skin. But, that’s not so. The sun is not good for these to conditions. The other thing is if you also use a sunscreen you compound the problem. Sunscreen can create oils or attract dirt. And then, there’s the detrimental effects of direct sun on problem skin. Sun blocking hats are the best; those with UVB ratings. However, you may want to enjoy some sun activities. So, be reasonable and create a balance. sunTake every effort to limit sun exposure on your face. But, also enjoy those sun activities you enjoy. Maybe you have an activity, such as playing kickball that you can switch to doing in the evening. Just remember to gently cleanse your face afterwards and follow with cold water splashes or ice cube treatment.

There you  have it, a cleansing regimen, a super healthy diet, water, exercise, and keeping a balance between enjoying the things of summer you love with the realistically maintaining healthy skin. Yes, sometimes it does come down to what is more important your skin or forgoing something that will make it worse. Oh, one other thing: Don’t squeeze those pimples.

Click to: Get Your Acne Under Control, Shop Our All-Organic Clear Skin Line

Easy Holiday Skincare Tips

22 Nov

‘Tis the time of season where the “to do list” seems to stretch beyond time. It can make your skin pucker and crinkle with wrinkles at the mere thought.

You don’t want your skin to age or breakout because of a few weeks of stress cheer; do you? We don’t either, so we’ve come up with a few suggestions. And since, we don’t want to add to your holiday burdens…um…fun, you can easily incorporate them into your busy schedule.

christmas girlStay Hydrated.

Water hydrates cells, reduces fluid retention, and flushes out toxins.  Alcohol dehydrates and is hard on the skin, so flush it. Coconut water is good for this.

Take a Supplement.

Stress depletes levels of nutrients. The B vitamins and magnesium are good for stress; vitamin C is a skin healer, and vitamin D helps with lack of sunshine in winter. A multivitamin will cover all the basics.

Eat More Fresh Vegetables and Fruit.

They will help to balance the effects of holiday foods and drinks that may not be so good for you.

Put Down the Salt Shaker.

Salt draws moisture from the cells and leads to water retention that results in puffiness around the eyes and to drier skin.

Do This Yoga Pose: Legs Up the Wall.

Ten minutes lying on the floor with legs resting up against a wall rejuvenates skin and you. Place a cool cloth or eye mask over eyes while in the pose.


People tend to breathe shallowly when stressed. Breathe deeply and slowly; expand the belly on the inhale and deflate it on the exhale.

Just Say “No.”

Say “no” to some of the sugary treats and to people. Sugar affects collagen production. Stress from doing too much negatively affects skin.

Exfoliate Regularly.

Exfoliation removes dead skin cells, and makes it ready for regeneration of new skin cells.


Hydrate your skin more than normal. Organic or natural facial mists are great for on-the-go hydrating and is refreshing for the spirit. Moisturizing will keep your skin looking refreshed, reduce appearance of wrinkles, and keep skin from becoming dehydrated.


Laugh, sing, dance, or find things to appreciate in everyday this holiday season.  It will make you glow and when you glow, your skin will show it.

 REMEMBER: The holidays come every year like clockwork; there’s always next year…. HoHoHo!

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Two Loves: Argan Oil and Abe’s Natural Market

18 Jul

Obviously, we are fans of Argan oil and its benefits. It is a star ingredient in several of our products. So, we were happy to see when it got some star treatment on Abe’s Market online magazine: “5×5: 5 Reasons to Love Argan Oil.”

And we were very proud to have one of our serums chosen to be featured.  Thanks Abe’s!

Head over to Abe’s for all your natural products and pick up some Yum Scrub Organics while you are there. 🙂  Also, in coming months check out their online magazine as we contribute to it with skincare articles.

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Food as Medicine: A Prescription for Clearing Acne

5 Jun

We have become so focused on satiating the tastes buds with fast, salty, sweet, and processed foods that we have forgotten the purpose of food: Food is medicine for the body. This concept seems to have become lost in both modern medicine and in our culture.

Rind  of orange cutaway in spiral shape

It is not just that we have forgotten the purpose of food. Our minds have become conditioned and in some ways addicted to eating foods low in nutrients, but high in satiating the taste buds and giving us emotional comfort. Eating like this when you have acne or any disease impedes the body’s ability to heal because you choose low nutrient-filled foods.

Low nutrient-filled foods do not have what it takes for the body to heal acne. As a result, maintaining clear skin is a constant battle as you yo-yo from one remedy to another with perhaps temporary results, but with no lasting results. Poor nutrition can also acerbate and contribute to the cause of acne.

Coconut Milk Fruit ShakeBy the way, nutrient rich foods also satiate the taste buds and emotions. It is a matter of becoming aware of your diet and adapting your mind to a different way of eating. Once you do, you will wonder how you ever ate any other way.

When the body is diseased in some way (acne is a disease), it needs all the nutrients it can get to heal. The current western diet that most people eat is for the most part nutritiously poor. The other problem with our misdirected perception of food and its purpose comes from the medical establishment. Many dermatologists and other doctors say there is no connection between acne and diet. They are wrong…period.Spinach

Their heads are in the sand. Hello! Scurvy is from a lack of vitamin C; rickets is from a deficiency in vitamin D, and some cases of blindness are caused by vitamin A defieiciencyy. So, logic dictates that if these diseases are cured or prevented when the body is supplied with them then food is medicine for the body and will help with other diseases.

The food, however, has to be nutrient rich. Food is not created equal when it comes to nutrients. The long-held misconception is that if we are eating then we must be getting the nutrients we need. Wrong thinking.

If your diet consists of food from fast food chains, out of boxes, foods processed with chemicals, pizza, pasta, soda (including diet), sugary drinks and food, then you are not getting enough nutrients need to clear your skin of acne. You need whole foods in your diet; foods that are fresh.

DSC_0044For way too long, the role of nutrition in clearing skin has been sorely neglected or ignored. However, there is a growing number of enlightened doctors who are teaching their patients that food is medicine. Nutrient rich food helps to prevent disease and aids in the body in maintaining homeostasis. Food as medicine for acne is very important because the body not only needs nutrients to maintain its balance; it also needs them to heal the skin at the same time. The nutrients are doing double duty.

It really is impossible to have great looking skin without proper nutrition. Besides individual choices when choosing what to eat, there are contributing elements that are creating detrimental consequences to the nutritional health of the country. More on this in the next post. For now, if you have acne take a hard look at your diet.

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“Beauty Should Enrich Us, Not Enslave Us.”

11 Jun

I’ve been reading Unbinding the Heart, A Dose of Greek Wisdom, Generosity, and Unconditional Love by Agapi Stassinopoulos.  It is a wonderful little book.  While little in size, it is large in sharing wisdom on how we can open our hearts to live an authentic and fulfilling life.  Ms. Stassinopoulos teaches with learning moments from her own life and her mother’s.  Examples that we can relate to.  There are many passages/ideas that I love and intend to write down for my own reference, such as couple coming from “Change the Channel” and “Finding Your Voice.”  However, I want to share with you a passage on beauty that I think we all can apply individually, and thereby unbind our collective hearts from the marketing hype of perfection in beauty. 

From The Chapter: “You’re Just Pretty, You’re Not Beautiful

At the heart of our obsession with glamour lies the need to feel important.  But important to whom?  How important are we to ourselves? When the lights go out and the music stops and the glitter fades, it’s us alone with ourselves, just our own light and our own shadow.  How do we feel then about the beauty that’s in us?

Beauty should enrich us, not enslave us.  If we feel unattractive, imperfect, or simply insecure, then beautifying ourselves is an act of masking and covering up.  But when we know the beauty of our real self and choose to reflect it in  the way we wear makeup or jewelry or clothes, then it’s an act of creativity and self-expression to amplify an inner radiance–not disguising what we are, but adorning it for all to see.  The archetype of Aphrodite, the goddess of glamour if ever there was one exudes a quintessential beauty that’s not bound by size, age, or fashion, and you always know this beauty when you see it.  I don’t know if you’ve ever seen ancient statues of Aphrodite, but they don’t fit our 21st-century ideal!  She had a rounded belly and voluptuous hips; she was real.

Unbinding the Heart, A Dose of Greek Wisdom, Generosity, and Unconditional Love  Agapi Stassinopoulos.

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15 Whole-Body Tips for Acne Prone Skin

21 May

I’m very familiar with the ups and downs of acne because one of my children has it.  She went through the entire gamut of traditional medical methods to heal it.  This included 2 treatments of Accutane, which had devastating consequences.  Improvements were temporary at best.  It was a whole-body approach & YSO clear skin products that got it under control for good.  Below are  some of our suggestions to get you started towards an acne free complexion.

Inflammation and out of balance hormones are major contributing factors to acne.  In order to gain control of acne, the body needs to be brought back into balance.  Contrary to conventional wisdom, diet and lifestyle do play a part in feeding acne and also in healing it.  Incorporating a whole-body approach helps to bring hormones into balance and reduces inflammation thereby helping to clear skin.  Diet and life style do make a difference.

Here are 15 tips to help you get started.  It does take diligence and commitment in order to see improvement.  And it may take several weeks or months to see those improvements as the body detoxifies and begins a return to homeostasis.

  •  Eliminate or reduce foods with added hormones, such as dairy and factory raised meats. Even organic milk contains natural hormones; skim milk has less.
  •  Reduce body inflammation and bring hormones into balance by increasing omega 3.  Fish, walnuts, ground flaxseeds, Brussels sprouts, spinach, kale, and salad greens.
  •  Do not over cleanse your face.  It will dry it out, irritate, and cause over-stimulation of oil glands.
  • Be gentle with your skin.  It’s a fallacy that acne prone skin is tougher than other skin types.  Perfumes, detergents, chemicals in cleansers, toners, etc can irritate acne, make it worse. Even things like dryer sheet fabric softeners can leave a residue on the skin.
  • Whole body approach includes exercise.  Exercise helps bring fresh oxygenated blood to the skin, which brings nutrients. Exercise sans make-up, wash face afterwards.

  • May seem counter intuitive, but the right plant oils can help balance oils in acne prone skin. Ingredients in lotions can irritate and clog pores, increase oil production.
  • Try yoga.  It’s great for bringing body into balance.  Finding the right class is important.  Find one that is not over -weighted with poses, but also has breath, meditation & relaxation as a large part of class.
  • Eat fresh fruits and vegetables daily.  Eat organic if possible.  Acne prone body has enough to fight/balance without additional chemical/hormones.
  • Keep hydrated with clear liquids aka H2O – not vodka ;).  Alcohol messes up balance in body, esp. women. Stays in body longer.  Cucumbers and melons also help with hydration.
  • Eliminate or greatly reduce granulated sugar and corn syrup in your diet.  Replace with raw honey or agave.
  • There may be other skin conditions besides acne contributing skin problem & compounding acne, such as seborrhea, rosacea, or eczema
  • Check for food triggers.  These are foods that you may be sensitive to and are not aware of.  They will cause inflammation and complicate healing of acne.  Eliminate trigger foods one at a time for a couple weeks to notice any difference.  Common ones: wheat, gluten, meat, corn, soy and dairy.
  • Reduce stress.  Learn to live from your heart/soul more and the mind less.
  • Don’t use thick make-up to cover the acne.  It doesn’t hide it and only makes the condition worse.  Know, feel, & believe you are BEAUTIFUL.  I say so!!

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Help with Wrinkles from Smoking & Recipe for Face Scrub

30 Apr

A customer from one of online retail sites where we sale our products asked us about what can be done about wrinkles from smoking.  We thought we’d share our answer here in case it can help others.  We also include a facial exfoliator recipe that can be made at home.

[C]an you help me with deep wrinkles from smoking?

You don’t mention your age or whether you have another skin condition, such as acne.  (I mention this because the question is listed under our acne serum.)  Both of these will determine the extent how much improvement you will see.   That said.  A two prong approach is needed.  First, you need to take steps that nourish and enhance the skin through diet and lifestyle.  Secondly, you need to prevent further damage to the skin.   And if you haven’t  given up smoking, that is where you need to begin.  Your skin has no chance of improving and will only get worse if you continue to smoke.

Wrinkles from smoking are a result of free radicals.  Smoking creates an inflammatory response in the body. Basically, among other things, smoking reduces the production of collagen and elastin.  Both are vital to smooth, healthy skin and as we age we naturally start to lose both; this can be accelerated by our lifestyle.

Antioxidants and anti-inflammatories are main keys to keeping the skin healthy and for reducing the effects of the environment and lifestyle on the skin.  Both our Argan Acne Serum and Argan & Allies Hydrating Serum contain anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory ingredients.

Regular exfoliation also helps to smooth out the appearance of wrinkles.  I exfoliate the skin on my face several times a week (actually almost daily) using our Coco-Mint Scrub.  (We are in the process of formulating a face wash for dry skin.)  The thing to remember is to use an exfoliator that is hydrating.  Below is a recipe for making a face scrub.

Do not use any products including cleansers that contain detergents– such as those that lather–because they will dry out your skin.  Dry skin enhances wrinkles.  You want to avoid any anything that dehydrates the skin.  In other words, you want to do all that you can to add moisture to the skin and prevent moisture loss.

Also, I always rinse my face with the coldest water possible to not only close the pores but to tighten the skin.   Keeping the skin moisturized and exfoliating regularly are what you can do on the surface.  However, we are firm believers that topicals alone cannot improve and keep skin healthy.  You need a whole-body approach that includes good nutrition, exercise, good skin care, and mental/emotional balance.  Healthy nutrition is most important.

Keep this in mind when choosing foods to eat: The skin is the last organ to receive nutrients.  So, your diet needs to be nutrient rich.  Eat fresh fruits and vegetables daily (if possible organic).  Dark green leafy vegetables have many skin loving nutrients.  Reduce or eliminate foods that are suggested to cause inflammation (meat, dairy, fast foods, fried foods, sweetened carbonated beverages, artificial sweeteners  etc.).  Vitamin C helps skin to rejuvenate; so it’s important to include foods with vitamin C.   Also, wear a hat that protects your entire face when in the sun.  The sun will only continue to damage the skin.

While we love sugar for use on the skin; internally it and caffeine contribute to wrinkles and dehydration.  Eliminating them helps to improve the texture and appearance of skin.  Drink plenty of water daily and avoid as many chemicals as possible.  Also, alcoholic beverages dehydrate the body, so avoid drinking them.

Exercise brings fresh oxygenated and nutrient rich blood to the skin.  Meditation is also helpful.  Yoga facial exercises help to strengthen the muscles underneath the face thereby reducing the appearance of wrinkles.  Check online; there are many sources for facial exercises.

Check out our blog:  We offer many suggestions in greater detail for healthy skin, including skin-loving recipes.

As you can see, it will take diligence and commitment to try and reverse the damage to some extent and prevent further damage.  Good luck.

If you have a question or comment about skincare, please email us we would love to help.

Love and Light, Yum Scrub Organics Team

Here’s the recipe to make your own face scrub to use… until we get ours launched 🙂

Yum Scrub Organics Orange-Lavender Face Scrub

1/2 cup organic sugar (if the sugar crystals are too large for your skin, you can grind them for 30 sec. or so in a blender).
1/2 cup organic plant oils (unrefined if possible) – almond, sunflower, safflower, avocado, olive are good choices
3 drops organic orange essential oil
3 drops organic lavender essential oil

Mix together.  Store in a jar.  Test on a small area of the face to make sure there isn’t a skin reaction to one of the ingredients.  Scoop some exfoliant into the palms, and massage over face and neck.  Rinse thoroughly with cool to cold water.  I usually allow my skin to dry naturally, which doesn’t take long here in Colo.  Apply hydration.

This information is for educational purposes only, it is not intended to treat, cure, prevent or, diagnose any disease or condition. Nor is it intended to prescribe in any way. This information is for educational purposes only and may not be complete, nor may its data be accurate.

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